Friday, June 24, 2011

The beginning of the post-African adventure

I made it through all the goodbyes in Africa and in a matter of six hours I went from living in the second most undeveloped city in the world to the number-one visited city in the world. I would say it feels like two separate worlds but it doesn't. Not really. People all over the world are more or less the same at their core. The culture shock will probably come later.
My general impression after one full day of seeing Paris is that it is really beautiful, busy, cold, and there's no end of the stuff to see! Oh yeah... and the internet is crazy fast! 
we're not in Africa anymore!

1 comment:

  1. Masseka wali, mbi diko mbeti ti kodoro (BeAfrika) so mo sala ge pendere mingi. Singila mingi. A iri a mosuma ti BeAfrika na li ti mbi, so a "uru mbi" kete, mbi ga tongana kozo na giriri, la ni so mbi nga ayeke maseka munju na kodoro tongana mo. Mbi wara mbeti ti mo na lege ti Google ti MOCAF. Anzere mingi. Thanks for the memories. If no translation needed, you are a Sango superstar.
